And just like that, it's the middle of August. Since I've been so remiss in keeping this thing current, I'll take this opportunity to file an all-purpose update.
First, and most importantly, our man Tony has successfully come through what we are certain will be the final installment of his Brain Surgery Odyssey. It's been a long road and, much like the hero of this namesake adventure, he's come through it alive, strong, and a bit wiser, though not at all unscathed. It's obvious that his spirits are up, and that he's chomping at the bit to get back to active life, and I think that attitude will go a long way. I predict a remarkable recovery and metamorphosis from surgical patient Tony to bike-riding music-loving complete-cranium Tony.
As for the BCRP, the show version of Range Life is moving along quite nicely. I've not had a chance to set up my playlist blog yet, but I hope to get to that this weekend and get it up and running soon. Meantime, keep your ears on the webcast, as I'm putting new stuff in every single week. Recent arrivals include Erase Errata, Sonic Youth, some old Four Tet and Underworld I've just discovered, and some Austin goodies like Octopus Project and Voxtrot. Coming soon, and I'm so excited I may crap 'em, the new Tortoise box set, and the new release from Yo La Tengo. Wa-hoo.
The bikes are getting some miles put on them, but not as many as I'd hoped by this point in the year. Part of that is just because work and life have kept me from it, but part of it is my recent foray into flyfishing. A wonderful sport that I fully intend to pursue for the rest of my life. I'll get up to Stack Rock this weekend, and am planning a trip for Labor Day, so this will improve. Plus, I'm committed to doing the Leadville Trail 100 race, or the weeklong Crested Butte trip with brother Eric, or both, next year. So training will start in November.
What else?
The house is good, the garden exploding, and we're enjoying the fact that it's not above 100F here every day any more.
We're still distraught about Floyd, though not yet ready to pronounce him guilty.
I've yet to float the Main Payette this year, but I've spent good hours on the SF Boise, along with the MF Boise and the Snake. Nothing big, but to be honest that's ok with me. Last year's SF Boise debacle left more a mental scar on me than I'd suspected, so slow re-entry is appropriate.
The dogs are doing well.
Things are good.
Thanks for checking in. I'll bring this baby back to life very soon.