Rainy days have turned to chilly, sunny days. The leaves know it. The foothills are dusted high up with snow. What a great day for a ride.
Looks bad, but it seems like it blew through pretty fast. Lots of the sage has one or two branches scorched and the rest left intact. There were still a few plumes of smoke smoldering on Friday.
Mr. [Ron] Johnson, on the other hand, proudly proclaimed recently that he doesn’t “think this election is about details.” That’s as good an explanation as any of why — in Wisconsin as in so many states — candidates like Mr. Johnson are ahead in the polls. Insurgent Republicans don’t need details when they can play on the furious emotions of voters who have been misled into believing that positive changes like the health care law are catastrophic failures.
Around the country, the Obama voters who were so energized in 2008 are rueful and dispirited, taking their cue from the timid races run by so many fearful Democratic candidates. Mr. Feingold is making the case that there is a choice to make on Nov. 2 and that there is a need for thoughtful voices in Washington.
Cathy and I took Theo for his first trip to Bar Gernika on Saturday. Rigged the carseat, loaded the boy into the sidecar, and off we went.
He loved it. Well, he cried on the way, but that's because he didn't like the big bumps on the sidewalk. On the street he did just fine. And once we got there, he settled right in.
Pardon me while I brag a bit: A woman sitting at a table next to ours was watching him and smiling, as people tend to do when you're with a baby. As she got up to leave she came over to our table and said "I've been a labor and delivery nurse for 20 years, and I've seen a lot of babies, but I have to tell you that your baby is unusually cute."
Of course we think so, but it's nice to have objective verification now and then.