Let the looking back be behind us.
Top Ten lists are great. Reminiscence and nostalgia are really nice this time of year.
But just like getting over the hump of the solstice and knowing that, even though it's tough to tell, the days are getting longer, I always love the feeling of turning that corner of December far enough to be able to look ahead.
There's a new year coming. I'll stop short of making resolutions just yet, but there's plenty to be excited about. Like: This veritable butt-load of new music I just got to sift through for the radio station. Much of it is me catching up (Amon Tobin, Christopher Willits, singles from Crystal Stilts, Daedelus, Bass Drum of Death!), but not all of it (Weekend, Ford & Lopatin, Prefuse 73) and there's lots more coming. Great to see we're on the radar of labels and publicists and artists, and the library is swelling. This will only get better.

Better: Theo is talking nonstop. New words every day, seriously. Cathy was delighted when last night he finally, clearly and without a doubt as to what he meant, said Mommy. The kid can melt your heart without even trying. And he climbs everything, including me. We are having a great time together, getting out a lot, spending time. The family's good.
Both grandmas are here these days, which is fantastic. It's so nice seeing Theo grow up with our moms, and his aunt and uncle, seeing them taking care of him and teaching him stuff.
And then, there's snow. Not much. But there was snow on the ground this morning. We must be optimistic here.
So, winter's here, 2012 is coming, and it's time to get ready for it. For all of it.