I've spent the last few weeks writing in a notebook. With a pen. It's been pretty great.
No diagrams and very few pictures, even. Just stringing words together to try and recount the events of the days and add a little color or texture or depth of perception. It made me remember deeply not only why I enjoy writing, but why writing about traveling is such a meaningful exercise.
I'll be posting back to the travel blog again, and I'll be doing some cleanup to put entries on past trips there to make that more of an ongoing and more frequently updated record. Because it's enjoyable. And because I do write about most trips I take, from a weekend to a week to something like this 3 weeks in Thailand. I just scatter them across notebooks and blogs and other places.
Before this trip to Thailand, I read back through my journal from our honeymoon in SE Asia in 2001. It was really great to read through those perceptions before this trip, and that absolutely fed the activity of writing about this trip.
Trip posts coming shortly (the pics are still uploading). Nice to be home.