And as if that ain't enough, check this: The Gourds, or some arrangement of the characters making up The Gourds, will play live in the Boise Community Radio studio with me during Range Life tomorrow. Not sure exactly when, but Kevin Russell's confirmed that he and whoever else he can get to come will play something for us.
Of course, they have an in-store at 7pm (see below), so there's a chance they could be running late and not be able to make it. But we'll hold our breath until that happens. Tune in 5 to 7 MST at www.radioboise.org.
Now, the schedule.
Wednesday night, 7pm, free in-store performance at the Record Exchange.
Thursday night, The Mint theater in Hailey. Buy tickets here.
Friday night, The Egyptian Theater in Boise. Buy tickets here.
In case you've been hibernating, the band's new record, Haymaker!, is a fantastic batch of country cajun rock and roll, digging deep into the musical soil of the borderlands they inhabit--both the physical ones of Texas-Louisiana-Mexico and the musical ones of rock-tex-mex-country-cajun. The greater role of keyboards and electric guitar lightens the mood

Grab a copy while you're at the free Record Exchange show on Wednesday. And hope to see you Friday as well.
are you the guy who wrote that great piece about the gourds in 2000? if so, might you ever write a companion piece? you're really the only guy who's ever gotten it right.
You mean this one? (http://www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Issue/story?oid=oid:78666) That was mine, and thanks. That piece gave me fits. It sort of unravels at the end, but I appreciate the kind words.
I'd love to write about this band again. Maybe something longer, when they're ready for the Official Story of The Gourds.
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