With temperatures in the 70s--even more like 60 when we started, up off Bogus Basin Road--and the trails from East Side to Stack Rock pretty much to ourselves, it was tough to look at today as anything but a gift. An autumn day in mid-August.
And we took advantage. Me, Will, and Derek hitched a ride with Will's sister Thea up Bogus. We dropped into East Side (I won't say where, but it was cool!), then rode over and dropped Sinker Creek. Back up Mr. Big and out to the new loop around Stack Rock. Then back to the saddle and down Sweet Connie to town.
It was a great, great ride. Following on a night where Theo slept a lot and, thanks to Jan's sticking around and sitting with him, so did I, it's been a pretty good day.

Even though last night a huge limb sheared from our neighbor's tree and landed on our fence. Doesn't look like it damaged the fence or house. Just a mess.

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