Wednesday, November 08, 2006

All But the Shouting

This morning brought that tired, slightly down feeling that usually comes after something so long anticipated has past.

The elections are over--most of them, anyway--and now it's time to look past the horribly depressing local results to the national results for consolation. The good guys took the house, and there's still a chance they'll take the Senate. That's good.

But still. Butch Otter is our new governor, and Idahodians should fear him even more than ineffectual dipshit Dirk the Jerk. Otter's dangerous. Likewise Bill Sali. Too close to call? He's a nutbag who even members of his own friggin party can't stand, but we in Idaho would be proud to call him congressman. Sure, the election's not truly counted and done, but just the closeness is disgusting.

Far as I know, the Ada comissioner spot is still too close to call, so we don't know if Paul Woods pulled that one out or not. Risch won, as did Simpson. Neither of those is a surprise, but they're still terrible results.

The people have spoken. And if this is what the Republicans get as payback for their fuckups of the last 6 years, then we should truly be worried about becoming a single-party government.

This is no revolution. It's not even a sweeping up. It's the minumum possible change for a country so mired in partisan politics that we can't even see what's good for us. And it all boils down to what people do in the voting booth when confronted with the little D's and R's. They choke. They don't follow through with any sort of bold move or decision based on conscience. They tow the line.

We get what we deserve, right?

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