Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Too Long in the Limelight

Unfortunately, some people don't know when to quit.

The Reverend Jeremiah Wright not only resurfaced to defend himself and his church, he turned it into a full-scale media blitz, talking to anyone and everyone, his assertions getting a bit louder and crazier the longer the spotlight stayed on.

Instead of calling it good at defending his church and his sermons, he chose to reiterate some of the crazier things he's said, loudly and repeatedly, turning what appeared an effort at explanation and reconciliation into a selfish quest for attention and justification.

It seems the Revered doesn't understand this is not just about him. He's submarining the chances of the best candidate for president that the Democrats--indeed the country--have had for many many years. Just to make sure he's heard, he's drowning out the voice of our only true hope for change.

And, accordingly, if unfortunately, Obama has been forced to react. He's denounced the comments of Wright in stronger language than he's used before. His eloquent speech on race will no longer stand as the last word on this nonsense, as he's been backed into a corner by nothing of his own doing.

I'd hoped this subject would go away. I'd hoped to not have to think or write about it. But it, and he, will not go away. I don't understand it; I can only hope we can get past it. Obama's done what he felt he had to do, and what certainly couldn't have been easy for him. As he said, "This is not the same man I met 20 years ago."

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