Friday, October 27, 2006


Great turnout last night at the Neurolux for Viva Voce and Silversun Pickups. And the thick and excitable crowd was rewarded with a kickass rock show.

Openers The Kingdom were good enough, though I admit I didn't pay such close attention. The sound was spare and the songs seemed catchy enough. Sorry, that's all I've got.

But the middle band, Silversun Pickups, just pulled out the stops and shredded the joint. They were fantastic. High energy, impeccable sound, and no cutting of any corners. The singer's a weird dude with a slightly girly voice, but as he fluctuates in intensity and moves from a sibilant whispery voice to a growling scream, his songs are brought to life.

They made believers out of lots of people last night.

And while I was worried that folks would clear out after their set, being a school night in Boise and all, I was pleasantly surprised to see the front-of-house crowd swell when Viva Voce hit the stage. They too put on a hell of a show, playing it loud and hard as often as possible, and fleshing out the quiet bits nicely. They make a lot of noise for 2 people, that's for sure.

Great show.

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