Monday, March 24, 2008

The Race Dust-Up

The Obama-Wright fracas just won't go away. I've got lots of thoughts on this, but I've yet to put them into any coherent form that doesn't include anger or language insulting to a large part of this country's population (and a small part of the small number of this blog's readers). So, I'll wait until I can be civil about it.

But I have to at least say this:
  • If you must judge, judge the man, not the soundbites.
  • The truth sometimes takes a bit of work to find, and Hannity or Rush won't give it to you.
  • Do you agree with everything your pastor/reverend/whomever has always said? And would you expect to be held accountable for their words?
  • Where do you get your information, and are you sure you can trust it?

For now, here are a couple articles that I think put things into perspective. Enjoy.

Yes, we all know where I stand. Any thoughts you wish to share? Please comment.


Anthony Malito said...

What's up Hess. Suprised to see the smartest guy in our house reference the hateful Arrianna to articulate your point about fair coverage of a story. I have a hard time with a hypocrite allowing hate to be spewed (Nancy Regan, Tony Snow) while she casts aspursions about haters. You did cause me to read the story and I felt it was well done. The fact that she is capable of a piece like that and gets in bed with the haters anyway speaks to her agenda. You are a left leaner but I know better than to believe you would allow anyone to relish in someone's cancer on your blog. My guess is that you would not allow any hate even if it was pointed at Guzy. I do think Barack is the guy and I thought he did a great job of explaining his relationship with the hate filled Dr. Wright. I also feel, however, that if he did "The Speach" sooner he would have eliminated the opportunity for the independent voters that lean toward him from asking the fair question about his judgement of Dr. Hate. His main platform issue is judgement and he has received some great advise about not saying much else until he has to. He did leave the door open far to long. The bad element of the right is going to say what they want just like the bad left. He can not control that but he does not have to throw bullets to those pointing the gun at him. I want Barack to win because he is the one to lead our countyr's charge forward, not because he is the tallest little person. Glad I was turned on to your blog and will continue to check in. Hope all is well. Peace, love and penguins.

Headcase said...


Nice job. I can't agree more about the entire election pissing me off and about having to answer for your preacher/whoever. Talking to my mom the other day, she started calling Obama on what his preacher said, so I asked her if she should now be held accountable for all the child-molesting bastard priests she supported at our church.Then I just had to stop.

Christopher Hess said...

Meatball! Huffington didn't write that, but yes, it was on her blog. Still it makes good sense to me. And besides, there's a conservative blog cited 2 lines down, so at least I'm balanced.
I think Obama could have done the speech sooner, but I think he was probably hoping to not have to give it at all. But the situation arose, the church speeches came to light, and under the circumstances I thought he rose to and above the task at hand. Mostly I just hope people can not try to make a simple black and white issue out of this. We should acknowledge the f'd-up complexity of race relations in this country (world, really), acknowledge that we all have a role to play in making it better, and go forward. I'm very pleased to hear that you think Barack is the guy, though. I hope he gets a chance to show us what he can do. And by the way, I would even stick up for Guzy. I hope to get to Charleston's one of these days. Peace!

And AP: I thought about that during this whole fiasco. As I say, things are not so black and white. There's good and bad everywhere. Talk to you soon.

Anthony Malito said...

Tony P, long time no see. Glad to hear you stopped. She will always be your mom. I have been in pew a few times and even thrown into the defense and settlement fund but that does not make me proud of Father Feelemup. And I most certainly would stop him if he did it while I was present and share any info I had with the authorities. There in lies the difference. There will always be people who do not allow "best interest of the children" to be the benchmark for dealing with children. We will just have to do our best to try to show them the light. To not be part of the solution is to be part of the problem. Hess is right about good and bad everywhere. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Anthony Malito said...

It makes even more sense to me knowing she did not write it. I should have looked closer. Guess that is why no one prays to me. I think you nailed it when you said Barack thought he would not have to address it. That, coupled with the fact that it all came from a DVD sold by his church, goes hand in glove with the question of judgement. Certainly a fair question. I think he will survieve it and not just because Hillrod is out of money. He will get through it because he understands, unlike Dr. Hate and Ms. Huffington, that to reach all of the people, he needs to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. I think Krikau started to teach me that in college but I did not recognize it at the time. Been a while since I heard "Meatball." That was good for a chuckle. Fond memories. Nice work on the blog. You can be proud of it. This is my virgin run in the blogosphere. Peace bro.

Christopher Hess said...

Your virgin run? You've got one of these going? Gimme an address.

Anthony Malito said...

First time on any blog. Not with my own.