Monday, September 04, 2006

Orchard Gulch

It's been a nice quiet Labor Day weekend here in Boise.

Left to my own devices due to an unplanned family gathering in DesMoines, I spent the weekend prowling the roads and trails and waterways in and near our town. No big road trip to Wyoming or Coloradio this, but it turns out nice nonetheless.

I got the long road climb in, I got a long dog run in, and I got an afternoon's worth of fishing in, so the only thing left was to hit the trails.

This morning I headed up Rocky Canyon Road for my new favorite 2-hour loop. Up to a mile from the summit and break off at Trail 7, Orchard Gulch. This is newly connected to the new path up 5-Mile Gulch, and it's a really nice ride. A steady climb leads to a few tough pulls before more false flat meandering along the contour, and then you're connected to 5-mile.

The top of this descent (or the middle, excluding the way up to the Ridge Road) is fairly steep and narrow, a blast in good shape and a nerve-wracker in bad. Today it was powdery; I went slowly.

When you hit the old trail, down in the true gulch, the going gets fast. A gentler grade and a solid skinny trail, this thing just invites speed and air.

Out to the road and down a short ways to the 3 Bears entrance. Then up and ouch. That climb after the descent always waked the thighs up quick, and the middle bear always gets me worst. But I stayed upright and clipped in and grunted and squatted my way to the top.

The view from the top of 3 Bears is always worth it.

Even when the air you're descending into is smog-filled. Fires ringing Boise have kept our air thick. I'm wheezy.

Another half hour downward bomb and it's back to the homestead.

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