Monday, June 08, 2009


Obama's speeding up the wheels of recovery, according to this article from Reuters. He's focusing on public works projects and on getting people to work quickly.

The accelerated projects announced on Monday included 200 new waste and water systems in rural areas and the creation of 125,000 summer youth jobs. Work will also begin on maintenance and construction projects at 98 airports and over 1,500 highway locations and in the 107 U.S. national parks.

Cynical Republican pr*ck Mitch McConnell had this totally predictable nugget:

"I'm very skeptical that the spending binge that we're on is going to produce much good and, even if it does, anytime soon," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters on Friday. "I think the economy is just as likely to begin to recover on its own, wholly aside from this, before much of this has an impact," McConnell said.

So, we see where the administration is going, namely pushing hard to keep us from hitting 10% unemployment, and getting people to work doing jobs that will benefit the country. And we see where the Republicans will go, namely discounting any good that comes out of the stimulus program on the basis that oh, it would have happened anyway. Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic. How about an idea, guys? Just one? No? Then STFU.

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